These are the most prominent International comercial terms are mostly used in Export and Import of Goods 1. EX Works - In this process, Importer is liable to receive the goods from Exporter's place. All expenses will paid by Importer to Shipping his Goods. 2. FCA-(Free Carrier) - Exporter Deliver the goods only at port only tarnsportation cost paid by Exporter. All remain Expenses will paid by buyer to Shipping his goods. 3. FAS- (Free Alongside Ship) - In this process, It is same as FCA, Exporter is liable to Deliver the goods only at Dock(Alongside Ship) during this process only Exporter will pay the Expenses. Rest of all Expense buyer will pay. 4. FOB-(Free on Board) - According to this Incoterms, Exporter deliver the Goods to loading only onto the vessel. Exporter will pay transportation cost, to Loading/unload...